Seth's Story

Seth - Before finding his Foster Family

My name is Seth and I'm approximately ten years old. I've been with Forest Dog Rescue for three years now and I do feel very much at home.

Here is Seth's Story

I'm not entirely sure how or why I came to Forest Dog Rescue, I can only assume I got a little too big and strong for my previous owners. I am an Old English Stafford so quite a bit bigger than the usual staffies which has so far scuppered my chances of being re-homed. My new family at FDR also wanted to be sure that I would be suitable to rejoin a loving a family environment. And they now believe that I am ready!

I am a handsome fella with a dashing dark grey and white coat, bright eyes, stunning white teeth, and muscles everywhere. I am very strong so I will need someone who can handle me and also who has a lot of experience of my breed.

I love people and enjoy nothing more than a great big cuddle, although at times I do prefer my own company so want a family who will also give me my space. My favourite game in all the world is playing ball - bouncing about and chasing balls is just the best. I do sometimes get a little too excited and have great difficulty stopping myself, I then end up in a heap on the grass -still terrific fun though! Because of my size and strength I would not be suitable for a family with children but big "adult" kids would be perfect!

I am fearful and wary of other dogs (sounds silly I know - big strong lad like me) but this does mean I need a responsible owner who will ensure that I am not confronted by other dogs.

Having been in kennels for some time now, whilst I love the people who care for me here, I really would love to find my forever home. It will need to be an extra special home though as I am told that I am an extra special dog!

Seth in his new Foster home!

To all my dear friends,

I thought you might like this picture of me.I am very content enjoying a multitude of new experiences - smells, sounds and wildlife.

Lots of love,

Seth xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Dear Friends,

Good news! Mum and Dad found me a chair today and I was so excited I wanted to tell you straight away. It's the same chair mum wanted to get me last week, but it was with a sofa and the lady would not sell it separately, but today mum negotiated with the lady (she made her an offer she couldn't refuse). When they brought it in, I was so pleased that I tried to get on it before the cushions were on. I'm sending you a photo of me lying on my chair. I am now trying out lots of different positions to see which way is the most comfy!

Lots of love to you all,

Seth xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Dear all my friends,

I am sending you my Christmas poem and hope you like it.

Also I had a lovely present yesterday. Mum bought me a hair brush, so she could scratch me.

I adore it. I didn't think things could get any better. I decided to dig up my bone and I nearly got back inside with it, but they saw me at the last minute.

Lots of love,

Seth xxxxxx

My Christmas

It all began as a bit of a blur

With movement, laughs and noise

Of boxes and bags and scuttling feet

And a chorus of good boy!


I looked at them in wonder

With the sadness I sometimes do

Imagine my excitement when I discovered

That I was going too!


The journey was a long one,

Although with lots to see

The fields turned into houses

With only the occasional tree.


At last the car stopped again

At a house I hadn't known before,

But they all seemed very happy

So I trotted through the door.


Oh it was a dog's paradise!

A heaven of things to smell

With my paws upon the sideboard,

The turkey I saw well!


There was a crackling fire

And I lay upon my side,

Considerately showing my tummy,

So that tickling was not denied!


They all sat round the table

And I politely sat quite still

Eagerly anticipating the treats ahead

And dribbling at will!


The day was filled with love and joy

It was obvious to see

But that didn't mean there was any less

Attention just for me.


Pats and strokes and kind words I had

They checked I was ok

And I really felt part of the family

In every possible way.


When it was time to leave again

As it was already dark

I wagged my tail and trotted out

There was no need to bark.


Upon my very own duvet

And with my head upon my paws

I slept and dreamed of chasing squirrels

Whilst frolicking outdoors.


But as they said goodnight to me

And the fire glimmering bright

I looked at my dear family

And thought a heartfelt goodnight.


For I had the greatest gift,

Better than food or squirrels or bone

For finally I belonged somewhere

At last I had a home.


By Seth Christmas 2014

© 2025 Forest Dog Rescue - because all dogs deserve a second chance
Registered charity number - 517173
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